
Friday, October 7, 2011

Meet Gianna Jessen, Adoptee and Abortion Survivor

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Meet Gianna Jessen, fellow adoptee, and abortion survivor:

The first time I talked to my bio-father on the phone, we weren't three minutes into the conversation when he said to me, "If you had been born 10 years later, you would have been an abortion."  The only weekend I ever visited him, he told me the same thing three more times.  

I understand it is politically correct in some circles to categorize adoption as a "parenting option," and abortion as a "reproductive choice."   Please do not throw away your sensitivities on those intellectual semantics.  It sickens me that many in our society are so hardened they have the ability to compartmentalize emotions and place diminutive value on life.  Both options, adoption and abortion, are about a mother making choices for the future of a human being.   Let's empower her to make that decision wisely.  And obviously, adoption and abortion shouldn't be her only two options.

Abortion is a billion dollar industry.  There's a huge profit motive to PR abortion as a "reproductive choice."  Abortion is demographically unbalanced.  In 2007, the abortion rate for whites was 13.8 per 1000 women ages 15-44.  For blacks it was almost four times as high at 48.2 per 1000.   Black women are more than 3 times as likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are roughly 2 times as likely.  87% of abortions are obtained by women with household incomes under $60,000.  The disparity of rates by race and income saddens me, because it is a symptom of limited education, opportunities, and yes, low societal value of the poor and minorities.  Some have associated the racial disparity to genocide.   As a woman of privilege, it is my duty to advocate for social change that will bring more enrichment, education, and value to all women.  It is my duty to help all women understand their true worth.

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